I noticed in iTunes 8 were the store arrows were back & in previous versions, you could disable them. For whatever reason, Apple decided to remove that option from iTunes 8. However, some clever people have found a fix for both OS X, XP, & Vista.
OS X Fix
Go to Terminal and type:
defaults write com.apple.iTunes show-store-arrow-links -bool FALSE
Windows XP & Vista Fix
- Ensure iTunes is not open. Browse to the iTunes Application Data folder (C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Apple Computer\iTunes on XP, C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\iTunes (AppData is a hidden folder) on Vista, substituting the drive letter and the user profile name where necessary.
- Backup and open the iTunesPrefs.xml with WordPad.
- Find the User Preferences key, and below the <dict> tag insert:<key>show-store-arrow-links</key>
</data> - Launch iTunes & the store arrows will be gone.