
My Documents Folder Opens on Boot (winxp sp2)

April 18, 2008 - Computer

This is not normal case on “Start > Startup” nor “msconfig Startup” nor even regedit Run…
In that case, When you can’t figure out what going on, try this:

Run regedit and navigate to:

HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows NT/CurrentVersion/Winlogon

In there there should be a value (on right hand side of screen) called Userinit.

The data for this value is probably something similar to:


If you do see a duplicated string in there similar to the above – simply double click on the Userinit value and edit the data so as to delete everything to the right of the first comma (,). In the case above you would leave only:


Exit registry edit and reboot. No more My Documents!